Hi, these are my Myth Toons and they are my favorites. I enjoy drawing them and I hope you do too.
There are two trucks accidentally driving on the same side of the road and then, a European compact drives into the T at just the wrong time because it got smashed into a pancake and when they tried to take it apart they couldn't because they were fused together, so they had to take it to the junkyard that way.
This is a man on a motorcycle and he is driving at one hundred miles per hour in Africa and a Goliath beetle hit him in the chest and he fell to the ground, dead.
This is a man on a motorcycle and he is driving at one hundred miles per hour in Africa and a Goliath beetle hit him in the chest and he fell to the ground, dead.
I really like your artwork, and I enjoy reading your explanations. You have a fine sense of detail. Keep it up!